Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Just Do It. Do Not Give Up!

Yesterday I went to the Gymnastics event. It was women's catogery. The event started at 6pm to 8pm. It was my first time going to Bishan Sport Hall. When we reach there, we went in the Sport Hall. It was quite different then what I watch in the television. It was really facinating to see the young gymnast around my age doing those kind of moves. They are so flexible! They also develope some muscles. When you watch it in Television, It does not show you how they practiced and how they balanced themselves on that pole really hard. When they fell, their face looks disapointed but they never give up. They try again after they did something wrong. If I were them, I think I wont be able to balance on that uneven pole. They really put their hardwork of practicing to strive this YOG event.

Our Singaporean young Gymnast, Rachel Giam, finishes 34th in individual All-Around qualification out of 42. We should be proud of her. She scored a total of 45.850 points for the balance beam, vault, uneven bars and floor exercise. She was the 29th among her competitors. She scored highest for the vault where she scored 12.650. Viktoria Komova from Russia came in second scoring a total of 61.000. If these girls gave up, they won't know what they'll achieve. Eventhough they struggled, they never gave up. They try their best to make their own country proud.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

YOG fever~

Greeks maintained consistent fires in front of their principle temples in ancient Greece. This was also the case in the sanctuary of Olympia, where the Ancient Olympic Games took place. The flame was lit using an ancient method where the rays of the sun are reflected in a skaphia, the ancestor of the parabolic mirror used today for lighting the Olympic flame. The purity of the flame is preserved by the method of lighting using the sun's rays.

GYMNASTICS Gymnastics is a sport involving the performance of sequences of movements. It requires competitors to perform set moves either on the floor, apparatus or in the air, requiring a high level of flexibility, agility and strength. Artistic Gymnastics is based on the level of difficulty and actual execution of the moves, while Rhythmic Gymnastics has an additional criterion on artistry.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cover from dust.

This is a picture that I randomly took when I went to Cairo, Egypt and visited the Pyramid Giza.
If you see this picture properly, look at the reflection on the glasses that my mum use. You can see a reflection of a pyramid and an arabian guy. I like the effect where it focus on my mum and the background is totally blur. My mum randomly cover her face with that scarf.

2010 Charity Bazaar~!

The sec 2s have prepared a Charity Bazaar to help the Childrens' cancer Foundation. Before the event day, Sec 2 had prepared foods and drinks for that day. Some of the classes prepared pudding, jelly, ice-pops and many more. Some of the classes had games too. All of us are very enthusiastic about it. Many students bought the things prepared by the sec 2s. Many people crowded each classes' booth. I decided to interview JiaJia from 1T1.

How do you feel about the charity bazaar that the sec 2s had prepared ?
It was quite fun.

What kind of things did you bought at the charity bazaar that day?
I didn't bought anything.

Did your friends buy anything?
My friend bought ice-pop from one of the class.

Did you hear some songs that were played at 2E1's booth ?
SHINee's Lucifer, Shakirah's Waka Waka, SHINee's Ring Ding Dong, SNSD's Gee, Big Bang's Haru Haru.

Was it crowded that day?
Yes, It was very super crowded.

What kind of improvements do you think can be made?
The Ice-pop that I tried shouldbe improved. It should be more sweeter as it taste weird.

If you were the sec 2s, What kind of things/foods/drinks you would want to sell?
I would sell foods like cupcake and drinks like F&N.

If you could request a song, what song would you like to request?
SHINee, Teen Top, B2ST and Ukiss' songs.

If you would want to buy something that day, what will you buy?
Drinks and the foods.

Lastly, would you want to have this kind of Bazaar again?
Yeah, because we can dismiss early and we can decide what we can buy.

Interview by Siti Namirah 2E4

Racial Harmony Interview :)

Racial Harmony Day in ESSS 2010

Racial Harmony Day is a day to learn more about other people’s races and religion. It also brings other races closer together as one and make Singapore a very happy multi-racial country. I hope, no racial riots occur anymore. So,
I was curious to know more about what our schoolmates think about Racial Harmony Day and decided to ask one of our fellow schoolmates, Della from 2e3

What do you think about Racial Harmony this year?
It brings different races together and making Singapore a multi-racial country.

What do you think of the Racial Harmony celebration today at ESSS?
A lot of students and teachers were wearing other races clothes.

Have you tasted some of other races foods just now during recess?
Yes, the food was very nice.

What kind of food have you tasted?
M&M cookies.

What kind of improvements can be made?
We should encourage more students to wear the traditional clothes and more time for break instead of only during recess time.

What do you think about the PPE this morning?
I think that it was good.

What would you do to let Singapore remain as a multi-racial country?
I would respect each other’s religion so that another racial riots will not occur.

What traditional clothes did you wear today?
I wore Vietnamese clothing.

Last but not least, what do think about the activity that took place at the atrium?
It was okay. Not that fun though.

Interviewed by Siti Namirah 2E4.